• fun with GTK# ·

    Recently I’ve resumed work on a GTK# project I started three years ago: SnazzyCalculator, hosted on Github. I originally started the project out of curiosity about GTK#, and it’s been fun to develop – I know no one needs another calculator tool. I do intend to develop it into what I’ve been calling a wordulator: type in something like “one plus one equals” and it’ll respond “two”. Feel free to laugh, Jon keeps teasing me about it certainly. :P Anyway, what’s been really fun since I’ve resumed development is getting the parser and equation solver to work. I found this awesome tutorial by Eric White on writing a recursive descent parser in C#, and that gave me the bulk of my parser code. I did discover two bugs in his code that I fixed; I’ll share my fixes with you.

  • custom WordPress Events Manager event tag archive page ·

    Using the Events Manager WordPress plugin at work, I noticed that the event tag archive pages showed only current and upcoming events with a given tag. I wanted them to show all events, including past events, with the tag. I made a custom loop to accomplish this, within the Genesis framework. Create a file called taxonomy-event-tags.php in your Genesis child theme:

  • work projects and music discovery ·

    I’ve been having a lot of fun at work recently using Spring 3 MVC, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, and of course jQuery. Not all on the same project, but in a couple different projects I’ve been working on. Twitter Bootstrap has been really cool as a drop-in way of quickly making a pretty, clean layout. I love not having to style my tables manually, and the various spanX classes to have floating blocks a set percentage of the page wide are great. I’ll definitely be using Twitter Bootstrap in future projects; thanks for the suggestion, Joe.