• extractCSS ·

    A Chrome extension that uses Adnan Topal’s extractCSS library to extract CSS classes and IDs from the current tab and produce an empty stylesheet for use with web development.

  • Turntable Spotter ·

    A Chrome extension that lets you create Spotify playlists from Turntable.fm rooms. Choose whether to open Spotify links in the web player or the desktop application.

  • YouTube to Spotify Playlister ·

    A Chrome extension that lets you map YouTube videos to tracks in Spotify, for the purpose of creating playlists. Especially useful when browsing music-related subreddits on Reddit.

  • Reddit Significant Other Notifier ·

    A Chrome extension that notifies you of new Reddit posts and comments by a particular user. Created to humor my boyfriend because he was tired of me pestering him to upvote my posts all the time.

  • Colour Extractor ·

    A Chrome extension that pulls colors from the current web page and lets you make a ColourLovers palette from them. Intended to help web designers identify palettes being used on different web sites.

  • Page Colourizer ·

    A Chrome extension that grabs a random ColourLovers palette and applies it to the current page. Can also apply a random pattern as the page background.